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How to save a document from your computer to a pen drive ?

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As we know, most popular tutorial in which we will discuss about save a document from your computer to a pen drive , which is used by many users nowadays.

In this post, we are going to save a document from your computer to a pen drive.

To save a document from your computer to a pen drive, follow these steps:

  1. Plug the pen drive into an available USB port on your computer.
  2. Open the file or document you want to save to the pen drive.
  3. Click on "File" from the top left corner of the window and select "Save As" or "Save" depending on the application you are using.
  4. In the "Save As" or "Save" dialog box that appears, navigate to the location where you want to save the file.
  5. From the "Save As" or "Save" dialog box, select the pen drive from the list of available drives or locations.
  6. Give the file a name if necessary, and then click on the "Save" button.
  7. Wait until the file transfer completes, and then safely eject the pen drive from your computer.

Your document should now be saved to the pen drive and can be accessed from any computer with a USB port.

That's it!

Your Microsoft document is now saved in the desired location.
This is all about save Microsoft documents in a desired place to . I hope you enjoy this article. Please do share this article. And if you are facing problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in comment box. 
Thank you! 

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