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Phonetic Transcription - Saeed Ur Rahman Website

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As we know, most popular tutorial in which we will discuss about phonetic transcription of english text with the  help of sounds, which is used by many users nowadays.

In this post, we are going to text into phonetic transcription.

What is Phonetic transcription ? 

Phonetic transcription is the process of representing the sounds of speech in written form using a set of standardized symbols. These symbols are known as phonetic transcription signs, and they are used to indicate the specific sounds that are being pronounced.

Some common phonetic transcription signs include:

IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols:

 This is the most commonly used set of phonetic transcription signs, and it includes a wide range of symbols that represent different speech sounds.

Stress markers: 

These signs are used to indicate which syllable in a word is stressed or emphasized. The most common stress marker is the apostrophe ( ' ), which is placed before the stressed syllable.

Diacritic marks:

 These are small marks that are added to the base symbols to indicate specific variations in pronunciation. For example, a raised symbol ( ˈ ) can indicate a primary stress, while a lowered symbol ( ˌ ) can indicate a secondary stress.

Prosody marks: 

These signs are used to indicate variations in intonation, pitch, and other aspects of speech that are related to the overall rhythm and melody of a sentence or phrase. Examples include the tilde ( ~ ) and the caret ( ^ ).

ɑ:Father /fɑ:ðə/   Part /pɑ:ʴt/   Cast /kɑ:st/   Last /lɑ:st/   Task /tɑ:sk/
eBed /bed/   Shed /ʃed/   Let /let/   Temple /templ/   Rest /rest/
i:Peel /pi:l/   Seal /si:l/   Dream /dri:m/   Beam /bi:m/    Pea /pi:/
iPit /pit/    Shit /ʃit/   Writ /rit/   Knit /nit/   Pin /pin/    Chin /ʧin/
ɔBody /bɔdi/   Not /nɔt/   Pot /pɔt/   Shot /ʃɔt/   Lot /lɔt/    Rot /rɔt/
ɔ:ऑ:Bought /bɔ:t/   Caught /kɔ:t/   Born /bɔ:n/    Corn /kɔ:ʴn/   Sought /sɔ:t/
uPush /puʃ/    Pull /pul/   Put /put/    Ruthless /ruөləs/   Book /buk/
u:Loose /lu:s/   Goose /gu:s/    Shoes /ʃu:z/    Cruise /kr:z/   Noon /nu:n/
ӕPan /pӕn/    Can /kӕn/   Pad /pӕd/    Chat /ʧӕt/    Rat /rӕt/
आ (weak)But /bᴧt/   Above /əbᴧv/  Cut /kᴧt/   Nut /nᴧt/   Shut /ʃᴧt/   Rust /rᴧst/
əAbove /əbᴧv/   Gentle /ʤentəl/   Mental /mentəl/  Pleasure /pleʒə/
eiएइPay /pei/   Day /dei/   Lay /lei/   Made /meid/   Tame /teim/
एअPair /peə/   Hair /heə/   Tear /teə/   Rare /reə/    Wear /weə/
ə:अ:Dearth /də:ʴө/   Search /sə:ʴʧ/   Lurch /lə:ʴʧ/   Nurse /nə:ʴs/
ouओउPost /poust/  Lost /loust/ Go /gou/  Loaf /louf/  Soul /soul/  Sole /soul/
ɔiओइBoy /bɔi/   Toy /tɔi/  Coy /kɔi/   Toil /tɔil/   Joint /ʤɔint/  Point /pɔint/
ju:यूYouth /ju:ө/  Use /ju:z/  You’ve /ju:v/  Yugoslavia /ju:gəslɑ:viə/
өBirth /bɔ:ө/  Sheath /ʃi:ө/  Teeth /ti:ө/  Death /deө/   Both /bouө/
ðThe /ði/  Then /ðen/  Thus /ðᴧs/  Clothe /klouð/  Them /ðem/
ʃShe /ʃi:/  Ship /ʃip/  Chic /ʃik/  Push /puʃ/  Lush /lᴧʃ/  Rush /rᴧʃ/
ʧChurch /ʧə:ʧ/  Leach /li:ʧ/  Pitch /piʧ/  Ditch /diʧ/  Rich /riʧ/
zBirds /bə:ʴdz/  Pens /penz/  Boxes /bɔksiz/   Zone /zoun/  Noise /nɔiz/
ʒज़Pleasure /pleʒə/   Vision /viʒən/   Treasure /treʒə/   Leisure /li:ʒə/
ʤज़College /kɔliʤ/  Cabbage /kӕbiʤ/   Jug /ʤᴧg/   Ridge /riʤ/
aiआइEye /ai/  Fry /frai/  Dry /drai/  Shy /ʃai/  Lie /lai/  Tight /tait/
bBust /bᴧst/  Beg /beg/  Bag /bӕg/  Baggage /bӕgiʤ/  Tub /tᴧb/
dDog /dɔg/  Dam /dӕm/  Derail /direil/  Deem /di:m/  Ditch /diʧ/
fFan /fӕn/  Tiffin /tifin/  Fish /fiʃ/  Fin /fin/  Fiasco /fiӕsco/
gGo /gou/  Goat /gout/  Gutts /gᴧts/  Gum /gᴧm/  Mug /mᴧg/
hHome /houm/  Hot /hɔt/  Horse /hɔ:s/  Hug /hᴧg/  Heal /hi:l/
jYet /jet/  Yalk /jəuk/  Your /juə/  Yield /ji:ld/  Yes /jes/  Yell /jel/
kCrush /krᴧʃ/   Crest /krest/   Chime /kaim/   Brake /breik/  Break /brek/
mMango /mӕngou/  Man /mӕn/  Yummy /jᴧmi/   Claim /kleim/
lLast /lɑ:st/  Blast /blɑ:st/  Lame /leim/   Lion /laiən/  Lest /lest/
nNail /neil/  Nest /nest/  Sink /sink/  Shrink /ʃrink/  Pink /pink/
pPull /pul/  Push /puʃ/  Paste /peist/  Past /pɑ:st/  Prank /prӕnk/
rRail /reil/  Rush /rᴧʃ/  Dire /daiər/  Reel /ri:l/  Rest /rest/
sSeem /si:m/  Sat /sӕt/  Some /sᴧm/  Soap /soup/  Slim /slim/
tTut /tᴧt/  Teach /ti:ʧ/  Tough /tᴧf/  Tame /teim/  Truth /truө/
vVan /vӕn/  Veer /viə/  Vest /vest/  Variety /vəraiti/  Vocal /voukəl/
wWatch /wɔʧ/  West /west/  Waste /weist/  Wick /wik/  Winter /wintə/
ŋड.Ring /riŋ/   Swing /swiŋ/  Ping /piŋ/   Sing /siŋ/   King /kiŋ/   Lung /lᴧŋ/

That's it! 

This is all about phonetic transcription signs are an important tool for linguists, speech therapists, and other professionals who work with language and speech. 
I hope you enjoy this article. Please do share this article. And if you are facing problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in comment box. 
Thank you!

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Saeed Ur Rahman Website 

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