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Microsoft Word Version history and features ?

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As we know, most popular tutorial in which we will discuss about the version history of Microsoft Word, which is used by many users nowadays.

In this post, we are going to the version history of Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Word is a word processing software developed by Microsoft Corporation. Here is a brief overview of the version history of Microsoft Word:

  1. Word 1.0 (1983): The first version of Microsoft Word was released in 1983. It was available for MS-DOS operating system.
  2. Word 2.0 (1985): This version introduced features like the ability to use a mouse to navigate and edit documents.
  3. Word 3.0 (1987): The third version of Word brought significant improvements, including the ability to create tables.
  4. Word 4.0 (1989): Word 4.0 was the first version of Word for Macintosh.
  5. Word 5.0 (1991): Word 5.0 brought significant improvements, including the ability to use styles and templates.
  6. Word 6.0 (1993): Word 6.0 was the first version of Word for Windows, and it introduced the toolbar and the ability to drag-and-drop text.
  7. Word 97 (1997): Word 97 introduced the Office Assistant (also known as "Clippy"), a feature that provided help and assistance to users.
  8. Word 2000 (2000): Word 2000 introduced the "Task Pane," a feature that provided quick access to common tasks.
  9. Word 2002/XP (2001): Word 2002/XP introduced "Smart Tags," a feature that recognized certain types of text and provided options for working with that text.
  10. Word 2003 (2003): Word 2003 introduced "Research Task Pane," a feature that allowed users to search for information from within Word.
  11. Word 2007 (2007): Word 2007 introduced the "Ribbon" interface, which replaced the traditional menus and toolbars.
  12. Word 2010 (2010): Word 2010 brought significant improvements, including the ability to co-author documents in real-time and the introduction of the "Backstage" view.
  13. Word 2013 (2013): Word 2013 introduced the ability to edit PDF files directly in Word.
  14. Word 2016 (2015): Word 2016 introduced features like "Tell Me," a feature that provided assistance with finding the right command, and the ability to collaborate in real-time using Skype.
  15. Word 2019 (2018): Word 2019 introduced new features like the "Focus" mode, which allowed users to focus on the content they were working on by removing distractions from the interface.
  16. Word for Microsoft 365 (2019): Word for Microsoft 365 is the most recent version of Word, and it is constantly updated with new features and improvements. Some notable features of Word for Microsoft 365 include the ability to translate text and the ability to insert 3D models into documents.


That's it! Here is a brief overview of the version history of Microsoft Word.
This is all about brief overview of the version history of Microsoft Word . I hope you enjoy this article. Please do share this article. And if you are facing problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in comment box. 
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